"Whats is most important is that you learn"
"To understand dressage, one needs direct and personal instruction. This occurs when we are able to sit on the horse in good posture and develop a sense of being rightfully on the spot.
When we sit we sit without expectation or preconceptions. This prepares us to listen and feel what and who the horse is. As movement starts we release ourselves into the movement seeking to not obstruct the flow.
Find harmony in the flow and from this energize or magnetize to alter the outcome. This kind of "control" does not offend because it allows the horse to move itself.
Finding this way forward is only difficult because we judge, grasp or contain an energy which is not ours to work with. Fear is what blocks and relaxation and openness allow.
Stay to lightness, gentleness and permit touch to be kind. Goodness is without effort, or more accurately what effort is made is to not block what occurs naturally. Find this way by not being in the way. Let the horse find you.
These are things that good instruction teaches whether you learn this by yourself, from your horse or from you instructor does not matter. What is most important is that you learn." - Craig Stewen