together or apart?

"Here we stand in simplicity itself. There is only you and only a horse. We get to choose whether to stand; together or apart. How we think determines which choice we make but how we act determines the choice the horse makes.

Kind actions overtime help the horse make the right choice and the right choice leads to the right thoughts. You cannot change the horse's mind but your actions do. 

Simplicity of mind leads to clarity of actions. What is most basic? What is more basic than the goodness of a mother? Protect and nurture are always the gifts first given.

Where is the dressage of nurture and protection? It is in our nature to be kind. Only the confused are not. Do not be confused about dressage. 

Dressage is, when of any real value, the logical and precise way to learning how to stand together with the horse. It shows us through feeling how to be with the horse; simple, kind and light.

Dressage must move beyond it martial history. It is not the dressage of war but the dressage of peace manifesting the love of a mother toward a child (the horse) which we must learn. 

This was way before our arrogance stepped in. It is the ancient ways and we need to remember these ways. The way of nature, nurture and protection are your goodness and noble dressage." - Craig
Va snäll och mjuk och du kommer få en bättre relation med din häst!


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